Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm still here!

I've been slacking this week on the posts, I know, I know bad me!  But I've been having a good time.   I beat the "I'm shy and don't know anyone so I'm not gonna do it" me, and actually went out and did something fun!

In Denver they have this place  which is totally awesome.  They basically talk you through making a painting (and sell you alcohol, which I was very good and stuck to my water).  Last night I went with someone from college who I literally haven't seen in like 8 years, and bunch of her friends and one of my friends (so I didn't freak out). and it was so much fun!   Here's my painting:  

I'm way impressed with myself.  Not so impressed with my chin however.  But we're working on that.  I've been holding pretty steady at 250 (last weeks 5lbs probably was TOM related and some transitioning to real foods).  That's 25 lbs down from pre-surgery and 35 down from highest ever.   As I'm still two weeks out from my first fill, I'm perfectly okay with this.  

And my husband just commented "pretty soon, you'll weigh less than your husband, how does that make you feel? "  my answer "normal".   It's bugged me that I weigh  more.  That's not supposed to happen (unless you're married to one of those bean-pole types)  But time to go out and do stuff today!  ttfn!

<3 Sam


  1. Great painting! And well done on conquering your anxiety to get out and do something. Hope that it gives you the courage to do more scary things :) I totally get wanting to weigh less than your hubby - I weighed less than mine when I met him, but more than him now. I want to get back to the size I was then!

  2. Your painting turned out great! Also, a couple weeks ago I started to weigh less than my husband for the first time since I met him at age 16! You can do it!

  3. I LOVE those and think they are so much fun. Your painting looks FABULOUS!! Congrats for conquering a fear!
