I'm still here, I promise! been a little busy lately, busy at work, busy at home. Dog walkies take up time in the evenings. Which is a good thing :)
No weigh in this week. My scale seems to be broken. Unless I magically lost 230lbs and now weigh 0.0lbs. I put a new battery in and everything and 0.0. This makes me sad. And also aware of how much of a scale whore I was being. I actually felt a little be of anxiety the first couple of days of broken scale. *sigh* I can't find anything in the manual or on the internet as to why it's stuck on 0 .. or how to fix it. Looks like a scale might be in the budget for soon.
No scale might not be a bad thing. On Saturday we went to dinner at a NICE Italian place for my friends birthday. It's a bit pricey, but OMG was it worth it. And I splurged. I had a choclatini. it was yummy! And chicken caccatori which was sooooo good. and a dessert coffee that was probably more alcohol than coffee. :)
Tomorrow is the hubby and my 3rd anniversay!! Holy cow, we're both still alive! hehehe.
Oh and I ordered an iPh*ne 4S. :D I shall have the precious. I've wanted an iPh*ne since they came out but have always been on veriz*on family plan, which is too good of a deal to switch. But now... yay!!
But that's all I have for now. just a quick check in. And a quick doggy pic!